Police Academy 3 Back In Training (1986)

Police Academy 3 Back In Training (1986)

Release Date : Mar. 20, 1986 | Rating ★★★★★★
Details : When police funding is cut the Governor announces he must close one of the academies. To make it fair the two police academies must compete against each other to stay in operation. Mauser persuades two officers in Lassard's academy to better his odds but things don't quite turn out as expected...
Duration : 1 Hour 23 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

Steve Guttenberg as Sgt. Carey Mahoney

Bubba Smith as Sgt. Moses Hightower

David Graf as Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry

Michael Winslow as Sgt. Larvelle Jones

Bobcat Goldthwait as Cadet Zed

Marion Ramsey as Sgt. Hooks

Leslie Easterbrook as Lt. Callahan

Art Metrano as Comdt. Mauser

Tim Kazurinsky as Cadet Sweetchuck

George Gaynes as Comdt. Lassard

Scott Thomson as Sgt. Copeland

Bruce Mahler as Sgt. Fackler

Brian Tochi as Cadet Nogata

Lance Kinsey as Lt. Proctor

Debralee Scott as Cadet Fackler

Jack Creley as Mr. Bellows | Producer  : Paul Maslansky | Director  : Jerry Paris |